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Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الجمعة أغسطس 17, 2012 2:53 am
بواسطة Khalid

Everybody here heard about the USS Stark incident in the 17th of May, 1987, so I am not going into much details about that we already know. If however you know nothing about it then read its Wikipedia entry

The following is a summarized description about the incident from the Iraqi perspective. It is based on a small interview with one of the Iraqi crew on that Falcon 50.

First of all, the Falcon 50 that hit the USS Stark was originally a part of the Presidential Squadron that belonged to Saddam Hussein. It was sent back to France to be modified so it can carry the AM.39 Excoet anti-shipping missiles. So half of the Falcon 50's cockpit was converted into a Mirage F.1 cockpit. After that the airplane returned and was stationed in Saddam AB nearby Mosul.

Its crew consists of 2 pilots, one handles the Falcon 50 side and the other pilot handles the Mirage F.1 side. With 2 technicians (Master Sergeants) accompanying them. The Falcon 50 pilot is tasked with taking the airplane to the target and then the Mirage F.1 pilot takes control to hit that target then return the controls to the first pilot so he can pilot it back to home.

At that day we received information that there was a large naval target nearby the shores of Bahrain. However no more details were given about the nature of this target, usually they are oil tankers carrying Iranian oil.

The crew of that airplane was tasked with hitting that target, the airplane was loaded two AM.39 Exocet missiles and took off from Saddam AB, when they reached Basra they refueled the airplane and continued their way to the target. When they got nearby it at sunset the usual procedure was to start a radio silence, at that point they discovered that the target was in fact an American vessel.

Then a dilemma started inside the cockpit of the Falcon 50 among its crew, they didn't know what was the target until and so did their high command. And since they can't call their HQ back and inform them about the new development due to the radio silence, they have to decide whether to hit it or not right now. So they started to discuss both options. If they hit the American frigate then they might not survive because US Navy aircraft will shot them down not to mention that they will cause an International crisis between USA and their own country. If they don't then their commander might get very upset and court martial them to be shot because they disobeyed a direct military order. So they decided to fire their missiles at it anyway.

The airplane got closer to the frigate, and they did receive the ship's radio message where it identified itself to them and asked them for their identification but they didn't pay attention to it nor cared. First missile was fired, it hit the ship in its engine room but didn't detonate (but its fuel caused fires). The radio operator in the airplane reported that the Americans are sending SOS messages. Second missile was fired, it hit the ship and detonated.

Once they were done, they started to think how to get away alive from the US Navy fighters, the first pilot decided to ascend into a high altitude and asked the technicians to close the curtains of the jet's windows and open the internal lights to make an impression that they are carrying passengers back in the airplane. And asked everybody recite Sura al-Fatiha because they might die soon.

Suddenly a pair of USN F-14 Tomcats followed and surrounded them, one from their right and the other from their left. The Iraqi pilots could see the American counterparts sitting in their cockpits and vice-versa. The American formation leader pointed to the Iraqis by hand to open communication with him via radio and so they did. The American asked them: “What are you doing in this area? Where are you coming from and where to are you going?”. The Iraqi pilot answered: “We are Iraqis and we have VIPs from the Iraqi government on board”. Then the American asked: “And who are those VIPs?”. The Iraq replied shortly: “I can't tell you that, this is a state secret”.

The American pilot was apparently a bit suspicious but he couldn't do anything because all he was seeing is a civilian jet, so he ordered his wing man to go and both left. That's how the Iraqi Faclon 50 escaped a probable death. The airplane was refueled again in Basra and then continued its trip to Saddam AB. The next each pilot was awarded with 5000 Iraqi Dinars (equals to 30600 nowadays US Dollars) from the high command, and each technician was awarded with a Volkswagen Passat B1 salon car (called Brazili in Iraq because it was manufactured in Brazil) and were never punished for that incident. That was the first and last mission for this modified Falcon 50.

American losses were: 37 killed, 21 wounded and a damaged frigate. The ship was repaired later at the cost of $142 million. And was decommissioned in 1999 after serving in the Gulf War.


Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Star

مرسل: الاثنين أغسطس 20, 2012 5:47 pm
بواسطة التوبوليف العراقية
قصة جميلة بطولية ورائعة ... اقترح ارسالها الى توم كوبر فقط اقتراح او راي شخصي وذلك للتوثيق ..

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Star

مرسل: الاثنين أغسطس 20, 2012 7:54 pm
بواسطة hayder
tom cooper and ahmed sadiq are the original authors of this claim. The above photo from the net was screen-captured by me many years ago.

However the US position is that a Mirage F1 did it.

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الخميس أغسطس 04, 2016 10:06 am
بواسطة RED BARON

In 1987, a Secret Iraqi Warplane Struck an American Frigate and Killed 37 Sailors
It wasn’t a Mirage F.1 that hit USS ‘Stark’


https://warisboring.com/in-1987-a-secre ... .hbqmakkqh

حامد الجبوري // وزير شؤون رئاسة الجمهورية والخارجية العراقي الأسبق .. في لقاءه مع الجزيرة تحدث عن ضرب السفينة الحربية الامريكية وقال انها ترتيب عراقي امريكي لاعطاء فرصة للتدخل الامريكي في الخليج

كما اشار ايضا في مكان اخر من اللقاء الى اسقاط طائرة المفاوض الجزائري داخل ايران بصاروخ طائرة عراقية كما اثبتت التحقيقات بين الجانب الجزائري والايراني ... الا ان الرئيس الجزائري طلب التكتم على التحقيق وسلم العراق ملف التحقيقات الكامل

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الاثنين أغسطس 08, 2016 11:52 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
الكثير من تصريحات الجبوري كانت مجرد أفتراءات ليس لها أي صلة بالواقع

الطائرة تم تحويرها لغرض مهاجمة ما أطلق عليه الناقلات المكوكية التي تنقل النفط الأيراني من جزيرة خرج الأيرانية الى ناقلات آخرى ترسو في عرض الخليج بعيدا عن منطقة الحصار العراقية وكانت تقوم بطلعاتها ليلا للتخفي مستخدمة مسارات طيران مدنية كونها طائرة مسجلة مدنيا كطائرة للخطوط الجوية العراقية قريبة من السواحل الكويتية و البحرينية و تطوير الطائرة أعطى مرونة كونها تحمل مقذوفين أكزوزيه بدلا من مقذوف واحد والذي كانت تحمله طائرة ميراج واحدة بمعنى انها بطائرتي ميراج ومداها كان أكبر من مدى الميراج بالاضافة الى ميزة التخفي التي أمتلكتها كما أسلفت وكان أصابة الفرقاطة الأمريكية لكونها أيضا كانت قريبة من الروت الملاحي لمنطقة نشاط الناقلات الايرانية ، أذن كان مجرد خطأ من قائد الطائرة الذي أعتقد انها احدى الناقلات الايرانية المكوكية

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الثلاثاء أغسطس 09, 2016 11:30 am
بواسطة RED BARON

Maj. Mohammad didn’t know that he fired two missiles at a U.S. warship. He also did not know that his flight was being tracked by a U.S. Air Force E-3A Sentry radar early-warning aircraft flying over Saudi Arabia, the crew of which — upon learning about attack on Stark — asked two F-15 Eagle interceptors of the Royal Saudi Air Force to intercept and force him to land.
The Saudis declined.

من المقالة ...
الاواكس الامريكية ترصد الفالكون 50 والسعوديون يعتذرون عن اعتراض الطائرة .. لماذا ؟ ... والطيار العراقي لايعرف انه تم كشفه من الاواكس ...
معلومة توحي ان طيرانها كان مغامرة كبيرة ولم يرد به الا مهمة محددة جدا ... ربما هذا يقوي كلام الجبوري نوعا ما .. والاغرب هو تكريم الطيارين العراقيين ... وهل الطيار عندما يرتكب خطا يكرم ام يعاقب ؟!
مما قرئت ان الامريكيين حصلوا على تعويض 400 مليون دولار عام 2011 من العراق عن قتلى وجرحى السفينة الحربية

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الثلاثاء أغسطس 09, 2016 1:47 pm
بواسطة RED BARON

من الدقيقة 28:22 وما بعدها ... الغريب انه يصفه لقاءه بالسفيرة الامريكية في سويسرا بعد حادثة السفينة وهي تصافحه وتقول له ويل دون !!
ويتحدث عن اعتذار العراق وتعويض الضحايا عن طريق نزار حمدون ... كيف يحصل الامريكيين على تعويض في ذلك الوقت وفي عام 2011 !!

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الثلاثاء أغسطس 09, 2016 10:48 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
حسب علمي العراق دفع مبلغ التعويض قبل دخولنا الى الكويت و ليس بعدها

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الأربعاء أغسطس 24, 2016 3:02 pm
بواسطة raaft
العراق دفع 27 مليون دولار كتعويض عام 1987

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الخميس أغسطس 25, 2016 1:44 pm
بواسطة RED BARON
يبدو ان العراق عوض امريكا عام 1987 عن طريق نزار حمدون عندما كان وكيل لوزارة الخارجية ... والتعويض الثاني عام 2011

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الخميس سبتمبر 08, 2016 10:58 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
و ماهي مبررات دفع التعويض مرة أخرى من قبل حكومة المالكي؟؟؟؟

Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الأحد يوليو 14, 2019 10:17 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
How a Modified Iraqi Falcon 50 Business Jet Nearly Destroyed a US Frigate

The tale of the USS Stark Incident.

Following a series of training flights, on the morning of May 17, 1987 Suzanna’s crew received the order to load two Exocets and then transfer to Wanda AB for an operation over the Persian Gulf.​

All through 1985 and early 1986, director of the Iraqi Air Force (IrAF) Intelligence Department, Brigadier-General Mudher al-Farhan, was collecting intelligence about the work of the Iranian tanker-shuttle (‘shuttle tankers’ were oil tankers equipped with upgrade fire-fighting equipment operated by specially trained crews, they made way in convoys of four ships escorted by warships of the Islamic Republic if Iran Navy). Every day at 1800hrs, he would brief Major-General Sha’ban about related developments.

As explained by Tom Cooper & Milos Sipos in their book Iraqi Mirages The Dassault Mirage Family in service with the Iraqi Air Force, 1981-1988, at one point in time, Sha’ban realized that the IrAF was in possession of no reconnaissance photographs of any of the new loading terminals in the lower Persian Gulf. About a week after a related report was submitted to the GHQ, two officers of General Military Intelligence Directorate (GMID) arrived in Sha’ban’s office, making him an interesting offer: the intelligence service was ready to provide one of the Dassault Falcon 50 business jets operated on its behalf for a clandestine operation the purpose of which would be to ‘visually inspect’ some of the future targets. Masquerading as a biz-jet carrying `three wealthy Iraqi businessmen’, on Jun. 24, 1986, the Falcon 50 made a trip from Amman in Jordan, via Iraq and Kuwait down the commercial corridor in the Gulf, to Mumbai, in India while carrying three experienced Mirage-pilots and a professional photographer. Underway, it made an ‘unintended navigational error’ and thus passed as close to Sirri as possible — enabling the photographer to take a series of photographs. The Iranians noticed this overflight and this prompted them moving the T-14 Terminal further south: before this could be done, the Iraqis attacked Sirri, on Aug. 12, 1986.While studying the resulting report, Sha’ban then came to the decision to deploy the same aircraft for anti-shipping operation in the lower Gulf. On his request, the IrAF Technical Directorate (then commanded by Brigadier-General Attya) prepared a study that proposed the installation of the same Cyrano IV-C5 radar and the fire-control system of the Mirage F.1EQ-5 info a Falcon 50. With such work being beyond the IrAF’s capabilities, decision was taken to request help from the DIA in Paris. As result of related negotiations, the Falcon 50 with the registration YI-ALE was sent to France. During its rebuild at Villaroche, it retained usual controls on the left side of the cockpit but received a complete cockpit of the F.1EQ-5 on the right side. External changes were even more dramatic: its registration was deleted and it received the typical pointed nose of the Mirage F.1containing the Cyrano radar — and one launcher for AM.39 Exocet missiles under each wing. Following extensive testing in France, it was flown to Iraq on Feb. 9, 1987 and commissioned into the IrAF service — reportedly under the designation ‘Yarmouk’ — six days later. Within the GHQ in Baghdad, the aircraft became known by her code-name, Suzanna.

Following a series of training flights, on the morning of May 17, 1987 Suzanna’s crew received the order to load two Exocets and then transfer to Wanda AB for an operation over the Gulf.

Launched early in the evening under protection of a pair each of MiG-23s and MiG-25s, this brought the aircraft to the usual position north of Bahrain, at which the pilot turned left and then handed the commands over to his co-pilot, the one handling the Mirage-controls. After acquiring a suitable target, at 2108-2109 two Exocets were released from ranges of 35 and 24 kilometres. Both missiles hit their target — the US Navy’s frigate USS Stark (FFG-31), the senior officers of which failed to realise she was under threat. While the first missile failed to detonate, the second went off, killing 37 sailors. The lukewarm attempt by two RSAF F-15Cs to intercept the Iraqi aircraft as this was returning towards the north, ordered by the crew of one of the ELF-1’s E-3A AWACS, remained unsuccessful (in September 1980 after Iran and Iraq declared war four USAF E-3s deployed to Saudi Arabia to provide round-the-clock airborne radar coverage, and enhance Saudi air defences in an operation called ELF-1 which continued for over 8 years). Shaken, but understanding the seriousness of this affair, Baghdad subsequently apologized for this unintentional attack, and compensated the Pentagon and the families of the sailors killed for all the damage caused. In cum, the US entered an uneasy strategic alliance with Baghdad, and — under excuse of ‘better coordination’ with the Iraqi military in order to avoid further incidents of this kind — began providing Iraq with, amongst other items, intelligence about the movement of Iranian shuttle tankers in the lower Gulf.

This article by Dario Leone originally appeared on The Aviation Geek Club in 2019.

https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/ ... gate-66772
الصور ليست من ضمن المقال


Re: Iraqi Falcon 50 & how it got away after hitting USS Stark

مرسل: الأربعاء فبراير 05, 2020 3:15 am
بواسطة TangoIII

المادة أرسلها لي الزميل

شكرا جزيلا

المقال نشر في المجلة الفرنسية المتخصصة بالطيران
Le Fana de I' Aviation No, 603 Feb 2020.
و المقال من 13 صفحة المتوفر فقط 4 صفحات و معزز بالعديد من الصور

وهو حول عملية تحوير طائرة الفالكون-50 لحمل مقذوقات أكزوزيت و عملية أصابة الفرقاطة الأمريكية "ستارك"
USS Stark
في 17 أيار1987

مع الأسف لا أتقن الفرنسية و بالتالي لا يمكنني الترجمة !
كذلك يحتاج بقية المقال