صفحة 6 من 6

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأحد نوفمبر 12, 2017 4:09 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
الدفاع الجوي لابد ان يعود الى سابق عهده بتغطية سماء البلد كاملا من خلال منظومات الكشف و الرصد و الأنذار البعيدة المدى بحدود 300-500 كم وان يتضمن الدفاع الجوي مستويات مواجهة الطيران المنخفض والمتوسط و العالي وللمديات المتوسطة و البعيدة والقصيرة و الدفاع النقطوي في منظومة متكاملة من الدفاعات السيارة و الثابتة وان تكون هذه المنظومة قادرة على مواجهة
و التعامل مع طيران الجيل الخامس والأسلحة الذكية التي يتم القاؤها عن بعد بالأضافة الى الدفاع المضاد للصواريخ البالستية ولاباس ان يعاد العمل ضمن مفهوم قواطع الدفاع الجوي والتي كان معمول بها سابقا مع التنسيق مع طيران الدفاع الجوي وكذلك منظومات الأنذار المحمولة جوا وجميعها مرتبط بمنظومة قيادة و سيطرة عالية التكامل و لابد من النظر الى معدات الدفاع الجوي الأوربية الصنع و غيرها من أجهزة الأنذار و الكشف من الرادارات سواء الغربية أو الشرقية صينية أو اوربية وأمريكية وطبعا روسية
لابد من الأشارة الى منظومة أس-400 الروسية أو باترويت يجب ان تكون من أساس منظومة الدفاع الجوي العراقي
أو المنظومة الصينية
أو المنظومة الأوربية المعدلة
PAAMS/SAMP/T (Surface-to-Air Missile Platform/Terrain)
ان بناء منظومات الدفاع الجوي لا يتم بين ليلة و ضحاها حيث يتطلب عملية بناء مخطط لها بشكل دقيق ضمن خطط خمسية او عشرية

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأربعاء نوفمبر 15, 2017 1:03 am
بواسطة TangoIII
و أذا ما كان العراق سيعيد تجهيز القوة الجوية بطائرات متطورة و بشكل خاص شرقية المنشأ فأن الأفضل هو شراء السوخوي-35 و ليس الميغ-35

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأربعاء نوفمبر 15, 2017 3:43 pm
بواسطة hayder
SU-35 would be a nice dream. But the additional cost over the MiG35 is prohibitive I think. Still. Its probably the only thing available to Iraq that can have even a slim chance of protecting against F35s.

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الخميس نوفمبر 16, 2017 3:47 am
بواسطة TangoIII
نحن نتحدث على أفضل الخيارات للعراق خاصة بعد أنحسار الحرب ضد داعش وتقليص نفقات الحرب من حيث المبدأ مما يدع مجال لأعادة بناء القوات المسلجة و بشكل خاص القوة الجوية ان المقاتلة سوخوي-35 أظن أنها لن تكون أغلى من المقاتلات الغربية المطروحة ولا حتى من مقاتلات الاف-16 وهي مكافئة وربما أفضل من المفاتلات الغربية التي تملكها او ستملكها بعض دول المنطقة ان عددا يتراوح بين 24-36 مناسب لجعل القوة الجوية العراقية يعد لها الحساب مرارا و تكرارا و أخيرا اذا ما كانت أندنوسيا تحاول الحصول على هذا النوع من المقاتلات فما بال العراق

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الخميس نوفمبر 16, 2017 8:18 am
بواسطة zarib
I don't want to derail the conversation, but I think the F-35 is not as good as people make it seem. It has been a disappointing project and the latest news that it may have been hit by a Syrian S-200 definitely justifies that. Sure it has some stealth capability, but it needs to turn on it's radar to hit the Su-35 and it will be easily detectable once it does that.

Getting 24-36 Su-35 is a great investment in terms of conventional fighter jets. In the future, we do need to focus on emerging cost effective technologies like drones though.

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الجمعة نوفمبر 17, 2017 4:23 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
نعم هو أستثمار كبير ولكن ماهو المطلوب للحصول على قوة جوية معتبرة و ما هو العدد المطلوب لذلك هل 10 طائرات ؟ أنا ذكرت 24-36 اي بين سربين و ثلاث وهي مناسبة لمساحة العراق يمكن توزيعها على شكل مفارز جوية
على عدد قواطع الدفاع الجوي عند الحاجة على أمتداد العراق 4-5 قواطع والمفرزة الجوية بين 4-8 طائرات

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: السبت نوفمبر 18, 2017 11:11 am
بواسطة hayder
for air defence purposes we would need to create a complex interconnected system including many locally developed elements to make it effective.

That means a combination of Russian and Chinese long range SAMs.
Locally made sensors and comms system for early detection
locally developed directed energy systems

and also working on creating mechanisms of knocking out enemy aircraft and missiles whilst they are still on the ground and at their most vulnerable. I.E through the use of UAVs, glide bombs, UGVs and other novel techniques. That would be the most effective approach to destroy 80-90% of the enemy's ability to attack you.

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: السبت نوفمبر 18, 2017 12:42 pm
بواسطة Zain
Hadar I have a huge respect for you .and I get you want iraq to build it’s woepons but , You are dreaming if you think we can develop energy weapons. , and radars and coms . By the time you build an industrial base and build your radars they are already out of date. You can’t reverse engineer because the radars we had date back to the 60s , you can try and do what Turkey is doing by co-partnaship . And Turkey is a nato member and has a very good industrial base and they still struggle to find willing partners . The only way is to buy . And frankly the Iraqi gov. choices is far is not good . Look at the t-90 buy. , they have the option of buying the t-90ms . A much better tank with a price difference of 1 million and they still went with s model . I was talking about getting s-400. With these guys iraq will be lucky to get s-300 and maybe bmp-2 ,you guys were talking about su-35 the realty they are going to buy mig 29 . it’s stupid but there you go

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأحد نوفمبر 19, 2017 12:02 am
بواسطة TangoIII
هذا المنبر و الموضوع بدأ عبارة عن تمني أو حلم فيما يمكن ان تملكه القوة الجوية العراقية نحن غير ملزمين بما يعمله الفساد و المحسوبية و الطائفية التي توفر أشخاص بعيدين عن المسؤولية الحقيقية و المهنية ... لكن من حقنا ان نحلم بجيش عراقي قوي و مقتدر بكل صنوفه رغم كل الأغبياء الذين يملكون القرار و الأختيار
فدعنا نحلم عسى و لعل

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأحد نوفمبر 19, 2017 2:39 pm
بواسطة hayder
You know I work in developing opto-electronics and embedded systems. Industrialisation of these devices with modern technology is neither expensive nor difficult. Its well within the ability of 500-2000 iraqi engineers and scientists who are working abroad to build a complete self-sufficient defence industry in Iraq based not on "copying" or "reverse engineering" ... but on coming up with new solutions that no one else has developed in the past.

Do not look to the past or present.

Always aim to develop and create novel new solutions to solve problems.

Don't become a Turkey or South Korea or India.

Become an Israel or Sweden.

We certainly have the ideas and the talent. The technology is very accessible nowadays and modern manufacturing methods are very easy to roll out and implement (speaking from experience).

Its well within our grasp to develop novel solutions to our problems. and it won't cost the earth... and more importantly it would keep the money circulating inside the iraqi economy which is key.

Just look at the contracts the iraqi mod is giving out... hundreds of millions to "maintain and operate" PT6A powered turboprops! Billions upon billions for a few F16s without BVR capability! and a huge number of other frankly idiotic deals.

Re: what if... ماذا لو

مرسل: الأحد نوفمبر 26, 2017 9:00 pm
بواسطة TangoIII
Note, Iraq was requested 36 F-16s a not only 18. And now have about 21 F-16 fighters in his arsenal.
The Great Middle Eastern Fighter Jet Scramble

By 2022 more than 500 advanced combat aircraft would have been delivered to Middle Eastern states. The majority of these assets are US-made fourth and fifth-generation fighters paid for by its regional allies. Smaller quantities of the same are arriving from alternate sources, such as France, Russia, and the UK. The volume of these transactions should rank among the largest collective arms deals ever recorded. Only India, with its manic urge to rebuild its air force, could come close to ordering as many airframes over such a brief period.

This ominous trend is undeniable proof the region is preparing for a war whose form and shape remains difficult to ascertain. But what Gulf Arab states want isn’t any different from the privilege of stealthiness and precision that Israel has enjoyed for decades. The same qualities are cherished in Iran, which is laying the groundwork for a domestic aerospace sector, even if it can’t seem to find vendors.

What is now unfolding is a competition that will definitely have lethal consequences for millions of people, just like Yemen’s battered populace. So how is this scramble going to pan out? Here’s a convenient guide to all the action.


It can be argued that the country where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers meet has been in a state of constant war since 1980, when Saddam’s divisions attacked Iran. Matters aren’t any less difficult today as the battered Iraqi army mops up the remnants of ISIS, whose caliphate endured for three cruel years.

With government revenues enjoying a big enough surplus from oil exports, a combination of direct aid and military spending allowed Iraq to slowly rebuild its crumbling air force, which used to be the region’s largest before the 1990s. In 2011 the US approved the sale of 18 F-16IQ Block 52 multirole fighters for $2.3 billion. Six of these aircraft are configured for training purposes. Two years later Baghdad dropped another $2 billion for 24 South Korea F/A-50’s.

Between 2014 and 2015, however, the costs and timetables for additional US weapons forced Iraq to seek military aid elsewhere. Ground attack Sukhois were flown in from Iran and Russia for providing badly needed close air support. Iraq may never restore the past glory of its fighter corps, but if it wanted to, it can afford the latest single engine J/F-17 made in China.

read more

https://21stcenturyasianarmsrace.com/20 ... -scramble/